Saturday, August 29, 2015

God is Responding

This has been a busy week. On Tuesday we left Kampala, Uganda and travelled about 8 hours by car to Arua, Uganda. Will, Justin and Shawn then left on Wednesday to travel into Mundri and returned to Arua Friday. We are now on our journey back to Kampala from Arua.

Going back into Mundri is something we have longed for since we evacuated in March. We have been praying consistently that God would provide a time for us to return to Mundri. We had hoped there would be an opportunity to return fully and resume our work there. However, due to the ongoing war, we soon realized that would not be a reality for right now. So, our prayers were then focused on returning for a short visit in order to greet our friends, bring in some aide and get some of out personal belongings that we had to leave behind.

While they men were in Mundri this week, I had the opportunity to spend time with Rachel, an American missionary in Arua. Rachel was very kind to allow me to spend time with her children and go into town with her. On Thursday we went to the local hospital together to visit the husband of one of Rachel’s friends. His name is Charles. Charles was in the hospital with what the doctors called a “spoiled lung”. We couldn’t figure out exactly what that meant, but he looked extremely weak and was laying in a position that he seemingly had not moved from in a long time. Rachel told Charles that she and her family had been praying for him daily for several weeks. They were praying that God would heal him and give him strength. Charles’ face light up and he replied with, “God is responding!”

God is responding. What a great truth! I love this line because it is active. It is in the present tense and implies, “He is doing it right now. I believe in faith that your prayers are coming to fruition!” I knew immediately when Charles said this that He was feeling better than when he first arrived at the hospital and He knew it was God who was healing his body. He knew where the strength and health was coming from.

As I think about our situation right now, I’m grateful that God is responding. Actively. Right now.

Will with my language helper, Mary
in Mundri
He knew our desires to return to Mundri and He provided a way to do so. We have been praying for God to provide for the needs of our friends and encourage them and I believe He did that during this visit as well. Our friends were reminded they are not forgotten and God loves them. God provided aide money for us to bring in for the Diocese, which will provide for the needs of the people as well (thank you to all of you who donated to this fund and helped provide in this way!!).

My good friend, Railie with
her daughter Rebecca. Will
got to visit them while in
God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we think He will or the way we would prefer for Him to. It sometimes seems to take longer than expected and we often have to endure pain in the meantime. However, I pray we are people who expectantly look for the ways God is responding to our prayers. I pray we would rejoice when longings become met, wounds become healed and needs provided for. However, I also pray we would be people who can praise God for responding to our prayers even when we are still laying on a hospital bed- believing in faith that a full recovery is coming and rejoicing in the small milestones in the meantime.

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