Sunday, October 4, 2015

“Prepare your Psychology…”

These were the words Bishop Bismark said as we drove from the airstrip to our compound on August 26th. Justin, Shawn, and I (Will) were in Mundri for just a couple days to bring relief funds, encourage our friends, and better secure our compound.

The full statement was, “Prepare your psychology for the remnants of war.”

As we crested a small hill we could see what he meant. Three burnt trucks sat on the side of the road…remnants of war.

Since then, Theresa and I have wrestled through the impacts of war upon our friends. There was more fighting in Mundri a couple weeks ago and last night we learned our friends, after just returning home from hiding in the bush due to the recent fighting, are once again back in the bush due to more fighting.

No shelter. No food. No clean water. No medicine. Rain. Malaria. Same things we’ve written each time this happens.

We run out of words.

We fight to maintain hope.

And we continue to pursue what God has called us to.

In the midst of the uncertainty and instability God has been clear since we’ve been back in the USA. We are to continue to pursue life and ministry in Mundri.

This is the place where I want to tell you our great plan that will guarantee success…but I don’t have one.

I’ve realized recently that God is more concerned with my obedience than my success. I’m not saying He doesn’t want me to be successful. I am saying my willingness to be obedient, in the midst of uncertainty and a lack of understanding, is far more important than having a guarantee of success.

Paul seems to be a great example of this. I doubt he ever got on a boat or entered a new city thinking, “Success will be this ship wrecking.”, or, “Success will only happen after I’ve been arrested.” All Paul did was continue to say yes when God asked him to do something. He let God define success by being open to the guidance of the Spirit and looking for opportunities to sacrificially love others.

This is our aim. To continue to say yes when God asks us to do something.

So, we’ve said yes.

Yes, we will work to recruit a team to join us in the work in South Sudan.

Yes, we will work to prepare ourselves to be team leaders.

Yes, we will hope, pray and plead that peace will come in Mundri and South Sudan.

No guarantee for success.

No perfect plan.

But, yes, we will follow God into the unknown, dangerous, and desperate places.

1 comment:

  1. "Though He slay me, yet will I trust HIm." -Job

    What a testimony of pure and genuine love. Not motivated by success, but love. Your faith and love are being shown to be genuine. Well done! Your reward is great. I love you guys! May you be filled with the same joy and peace and love that Paul also had in his trials; a joy that knows no bounds! Unconditional Yes! Wow, that is awesome-sauce!
